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HKIC provides tailor-made training in construction and management skills based on whole person education. Choose a course and get admitted.
Hong Kong Construction Institute maintains close partnership with organisations to help students to progress on the dual tracks of continuing education and career.
We strive to provide students with diversified services and developmental activities to boost their confidence.
Hong Kong Institute of Construction (HKIC) has been providing quality construction training in Hong Kong for over 45 years.
HKIC organised a whole person development talk titled "Symbolic Significance of the National Flag, Emblem, and Anthem" for students from the Certificate and Diploma in Construction programmes at the Sheung Shui campus on 19 December 2024. Ms. Hazel Wong, Senior Training Officer of the Hong Kong Army Cadets Association, was invited to deliver an engaging and informative presentation.
Ms. Wong expertly explained the historical stories and symbolic meanings behind the national flag, emblem, and anthem. She also provided detailed guidance on the proper etiquette for raising and displaying the national and regional flags. This empowered the students not only to gain a deeper understanding of the country's emblems but also to learn how to respectfully honor the national flag and regional insignia, thereby strengthening their national consciousness and civic awareness.