Hong Kong Construction Institute maintains close partnership with organisations to help students to progress on the dual tracks of continuing education and career.
The Hong Kong Institute of Construction held its Graduation Ceremony on 16 November 2018 at Construction Industry Council - Zero Carbon Building successfully. The Ceremony was officiated by Mr. Michael WONG Wai-lun, Secretary for Development and Ir LAM Sai-hung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works), HKSAR in the morning and afternoon sessions respectively to congratulate and recognise graduates for their hard work in completing their studies and welcome them to the construction industry.
For the academic year 2017 / 2018, a total of about 3,800 trainees completed the training courses provided by the HKIC. Prof. LEE Chack-fan, Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction Management Board encouraged graduates to work conscientiously and persistently as they will definitely get recognition eventually. In the closing remarks, Ir Allan CHAN Sau-kit, Chairperson of the Construction Industry Training Board of CIC also encouraged the graduates to continue sharpening their skills for further studies and stepping up the career ladder.
At the Ceremony, Graduate Certificates, Certificate of Excellence and various prizes and scholarships contributed by industry stakeholders were presented to the graduates who had excelled in different trades, courses and overall personal development.
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