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Jointly organised by HKIE Geotechnical Division and the School of Professional Development in Construction of the Hong Kong Institute of Construction, the main objective of the Top-up Course for TCP T3 on GIFW and Building Works with Significant Geotechnical Content is to provide graduate engineers/ geologists/ technical inspection supervisors the basic knowledge in geotechnical training which is needed for those with less than 2 years of relevant experience being qualified to be TCP T3 for GIFW and Building Works with Significant Geotechnical Content in accordance with Table 8.6 of “Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009”.
Who Should Attend:
This course is designed for graduate engineers, engineering geologists, technical inspection supervisors and engineers in related professions.
CPD Hours:
This course is designed for 25 contact hours. It is a top-up course for graduate engineers and others with less than 2 years experience and would like to provide full-time supervision of building works with significant geotechnical content.
Medium of Instruction:
HK$3,800 (including course fee and lecture notes)
*Application Fee is NON REFUNDABLE .
Applications Method:
1) Application MUST BE completed online via the website of HKIE Geotechnical Division ( ).
2) First-time applicants MUST create their own accounts in the website before registering for the event.
Payment Method:
Registration fee can be directly deposited to the bank account of HKIE - Geotechnical Division (HSBC A/C No. 025-344888-016) or by a crossed cheque (payable to "The HKIE - Geotechnical Division") to the above account. After payment, applicant should upload the scanned deposit advice (with the name of applicant indicated) in his/her own account on the website of the HKIE Geotechnical Division ( ) for record. Submission of payment receipt by other means (e.g. email) is NOT accepted.
Deadline of Application:
Online application should be made on or before 10th February 2021 (Wed) . Successful applicants will be informed via e-mail on or before 17th February 2021 (Wed) . Final confirmation will only be made when full payment is received by the Organiser.
300 (first come, first served)
Class Schedule:
There are ten 2.5hr classes. The classes are scheduled for 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 February, and 1, 2, 3, 4 March, with an examination on 13 March 2021.
1. Considering of the gravity of the current health situation caused by the novel coronavirus, ONLINE TEACHING will be adopted. Videos will be uploaded to the platform according to the schedule. The time spent on each lecture will be recorded for attendance use.
2. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who have attended 70% or more of the classes (i.e., attending at least 7 out of 9 lectures
3. For those who have also passed the examination, they will be awarded a Certificate of Attainment jointly issued by HKIE Geotechnical Division and School of Professional Development in Construction of HKIC, CIC.
For enquiries, please contact Ir Clifford Phung at clifford_hkiegdc
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