This programme is recognized under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework.
QF Level: 4
QF Registration No.: 22/000669/L4
Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2026
This programme provides the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE) leavers who achieve certain level of academic attainment with professional training on supervising the implementation of civil engineering projects. Students can acquire holistic theoretical knowledge of the construction industry, technical skills, site practice and on-the-job training so as to prepare themselves for becoming competent civil engineering supervisor at the construction site.
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This programme is recognised by the Building Department of the HKSAR Government as fulfilling the minimum academic qualifications for TCP T2 to T3 for site supervision under the streams of Authorised Person and Registered Structural Engineer, Registered Geotechnical Engineer and Registered Contractor (AP/RSE/RGE/RC).
All 4 Advanced Diploma programmes have been accredited by the following professional bodies / organisations:
Chartered Association of Building Engineers | CIC BIM Certification and Accreditation Schemes |
Hong Kong Institute of Construction Managers |

- HKIC provides graduates with career support and placement service for joining the construction industry.
- Graduates can gain employment as foreman apprentice, technician apprentice, etc. through Contractors Sponsorship Scheme to become professional civil engineering supervisor and promoted to professional or management positions after accumulating work experience and progressing with continuing education.
- Five HKDSE subjects at Level 2 or above, including English Language, Chinese Language and Mathematics; or equivalent;
- Applicants should be able to write and read in Chinese, and communicate in Cantonese;
- Hong Kong resident who is legally permitted to stay and work in Hong Kong; and
- Pass the admission interview.
Note[1]: Holders of HKALE, Higher Diploma, or Mainland/ overseas qualifications may be required to undertake extra assessments.
Note[2]: Applicants may need to take a language proficiency test to assess their language ability; individual courses may impose work experience requirements.
HKIC had signed Memorandum of Intent with Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), Hong Kong Chu Hai College and the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) to provide articulation pathway for Advanced Diploma graduates.

September 2025 (Tentative)
Monday to Friday, 8:20am – 5:00pm
- Attain 95% attendance rate in both Year 1 and Year 2;
- Complete all topics in the programme with relevent credits;
- Complete the required hours of volunteer services and sports training;
- Received the Mandatory Basic Safety Training Certificate (Construction Work) (Green card);
- Received the Registered Semi-skilled Worker for Leveller; and
- Fulfill the specific programme requirements for graduation (if any).